100% of donations go to support our scholarship fund. Click beside the $ sign below to enter the amount you would like to offer.
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Donation to our Scholarship FundToday's Payment:$20
Your Donations Make a Difference
In 2024, Dark Woods of Grief supported 2 BIPOC women with scholarships to our Grief Tending & Ritual Facilitation Training, and 43 low income folks received partial scholarships to our Through the Dark Woods Grief Support Group & our Return from the Underworld course, for a total of over $8000 worth of scholarships.
We'd love to be able to keep this up and reach even more folks in need.
Every year we have folks who apply for the Grief Tending & Ritual Facilitation Training for scholarship and we have to turn them away.
I would LOVE to be able to train more lower income & marginalized folks to do this much-needed work in the world at this time.
We also need to be able to continue to support folks who are grieving and also struggling financially to be able to access our programs.
Can you help? We are aiming to raise $10,000 for our scholarship fund this year. Please follow your heart and give generously, even $20 makes a difference!
Bless you and wishing you a warm & safe holiday season.