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Through the Dark Woods is an ongoing membership group with an initial 3 month minimum commitment. After that you can cancel and opt-out anytime simply by sending us an email a minimum of 7 days before your next payment.
It’s important to us to create a safe, supportive container for this deep work. To help create that, when the core group welcomes someone new in, we want to know you are committed to at least journey a few months with us. We also want you to make that kind of commitment to your own healing. Be willing to give it a fair go - this kind of deep work doesn't’ transform us overnight - it is a long slow process, and it should be that way. Sometimes when we’re in the depths of despair it can feel like we will never have a different experience. You will, but it won’t happen overnight. You need to give it time and commitment, just like anything we want in life.

Another reason we don’t offer refunds is because we offer a wonderful way for you to experience TTDW prior to joining via a monthly *prerequisite intro session, No Way But Through. If you have not yet attended one of these yet, please sign up HERE: https://joseatamiracrossley.com/nwbt
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Scholarship Fund

Many folks who are grieving are also struggling financially. Consider adding a donation to our scholarship fund to support others going through this difficult time.

Add a donation to our Scholarship Fund $25.00

NOTE: Some folks' debit cards do not allow subscriptions. Please use a credit card or PayPal instead or contact us at info@darkwoodsofgrief.com for support.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Dark Woods Grief Support Group 

Today's Payment:

NO REFUNDS - MINIMUM 3 MONTH COMMITMENT - HERE’S WHY: Dark Woods Grief Support Group is an ongoing subscription with an initial 3 month minimum commitment. After that you can cancel and opt-out anytime simply by sending us an email a minimum of 7 days before your next payment.

It’s important to us to create a safe, supportive container for this deep work. To help create that, when the core group welcomes someone new in, we want to know you are committed to at least journey a few months with us. We also want you to make that kind of commitment to your own healing. Be willing to give it a fair go - this kind of deep work doesn't transform us overnight - it is a long slow process, and it should be that way. Sometimes when we’re in the depths of despair it can feel like we will never have a different experience. You will, but it won’t happen overnight. You need to give it time and commitment, just like anything we want in life. Another reason we don’t offer refunds is because we offer a wonderful way for you to experience Dark Woods Grief Support Group prior to joining via a prerequisite intro session, No Way But Through. If you have not attended one of these yet, please sign up HERE: https://darkwoodsofgrief.com/nwbt

  • Today's payment
  • Dark Woods Grief Support Group$125
  • Future payments
  • $125

All prices in USD

"For your wisdom, curiosity, care and attention during the course. It was a privilege and a gift to be in circle with everyone. I cherished the time we spent in vulnerable presence with each other. I learned much about holding the space for grief and being held by community, ancestors and the earth.”

Ahava Shiva